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Bio and Agriculture Zero

Bio Zero

DIY-Bio Communities

I-GEM and Bio Hackers network

Democratizing access to the sciences

Libre software and open source electronics and maker movements.

Experimentation for the investigative
Bring forth new knowledge

Identify microorganisms, how to take samples and prepare cultivation medias, how to observe microscopic organisms and to design with DNA.

Scientific concepts such as sterility, metabolism, genome, synthetic biology, biochemistry, and microbiology.

Biochemistry / Molecular Biology / Material Science and Synthetic Biology.

To follow the scientific methodology applied to experimentation to generate new knowledge. To plan, execute and extract the proper conclusions from an experiment.

Synthetic Biology


Modify animals - Super muscular pigs created by small genetic tweak

Michael Leming
Pamela Silver
Ferran Adriz

Kafka - Scientist

Todos los biólogos eran pintores porque no podían hacer fotos.

Sara Walker

Molusco que genera pegamento de purpurina

Exobiology - How life in another planet will be

Hacer que las plantas no puedan alimentar a todos para la solución a la superpoblación.

Antropoceno problems no es lo mismo que el cambio climático.

Está relacionado pero no es lo mismo.

Hay que aceptar el confort.

Janna Virgin

A new index for predicting catastrophes poems.

Comunicación científica.
Medios de comunicación también se quejan solo que usan un lenguaje diferente. Hacen artículos.

Microbiología estudia lo que tiene que ver con el microscopio, lo que se ve con él.

Aerobic / Anaerobic respiración.

VET BAct.org


Miller's experiment.
Wikipedia de bacterias.

Where to put the line between different species. - En el número de cromosomas. Así se distinguen las especies y así las separamos.

La ciencia no es sacar buenos resultados sino hacer buenas preguntas.


Open science - journal -- No hay reconocimiento.

En los resultados siempre hay un control negativo y otro positivo.
Los resultados que esperas y los que no.
Luego haces las conclusiones.



George Church

Bio Hack Academy

Nuria TED Talk

Medium recipes:

DNA Part Registry

iGem examples:


How to Make a GMO

Nurias Ted Tallk

“The future is already here – it’s just not evenly distributed.
William Gibson

FUTURO encerrado, en cajas negras departamentos de I+D de las grandes compañías.

Máquina que no entiendo, solo sé que le tengo que dar a un botón.

Hay gente en contra de esto y nace el open source - distribuir el conocimiento.

Tecnología: Linux, Android, Arduino.
Electrónica y software libre.

Biología hecha en casa = biohacking.
DIY Bio.
¿Qué es un biohacker - Galvani, Ramón y Cajal fotos de neuronas y todo, Marie Curie??

Waag Society.
Gaudi Labs.

Kay Aull.



Kombucha – Bacteria, se puede hacer material con eso.

Cultura Maker.

Creamos máquinas de laboratorio.
¿Qué podemos hacer respecto a nuestra salud?

Formas de biohacking.

Genetic Engineering

To cure genetic diseases.
Planetary Wellbeing


Microorganisms can be classified into several groups based on different criteria. Here are some common classifications:

  1. Based on Cell Type:
    • Prokaryotes: Microorganisms with cells that lack a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles. Examples include bacteria and archaea.
    • Eukaryotic: Microorganisms with cells that have a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles. Examples include fungi, protists, and algae.
  2. Based on Organism Type:
    • Bacteria: Single-celled prokaryotic microorganisms with diverse shapes and sizes.
    • Archaea: Prokaryotic microorganisms that often inhabit extreme environments.
    • Fungi: Eukaryotic microorganisms, including molds and yeasts, that obtain nutrients through absorption.
    • Protists: Diverse group of eukaryotic microorganisms, including amoebas and algae.
    • Viruses: Non-cellular entities that require a host cell for reproduction.
  3. Based on Oxygen Requirement:
    • Aerobes: Microorganisms that require oxygen for growth.
    • Anaerobes: Microorganisms that grow in the absence of oxygen.
    • Facultative Anaerobes: Microorganisms that can grow with or without oxygen.
  4. Based on Shape:
    • Cocci: Spherical-shaped microorganisms.
    • Bacilli: Rod-shaped microorganisms.
    • Spirilla: Spiral-shaped microorganisms.
  5. Based on Nutrition:
    • Autotrophs: Microorganisms that can produce their own food.
    • Heterotrophs: Microorganisms that rely on external sources for nutrition.
  6. Based on Disease Association:
    • Pathogens: Microorganisms that cause diseases in their hosts.
    • Non-pathogens: Microorganisms that do not cause diseases in their hosts.

Microscope Study

Light Source: It all starts with a light source, typically located at the base of the microscope. This light sends rays upward through the specimen.

Condenser Lens: The condenser lens is like a concentrator, focusing and directing the light through the specimen. It helps create a well-lit and sharp image.

Specimen: This is what you’re trying to observe, whether it’s a tiny organism, a cell, or a thin slice of material.

Objective Lens: The objective lens is the primary magnifying lens. It takes the light that passes through the specimen and magnifies it, creating a bigger and more detailed image.

Ocular Lens (Eyepiece): This is the lens you look through. It further magnifies the image produced by the objective lens.

The combined magnification of the objective and ocular lenses gives you the overall magnification. For example, if you have a 10x objective lens and a 10x eyepiece, you get a total magnification of 100x.

Agriculture Zero


E.F. Schumacher Small is Beautiful: A Study of Economics as if People Mattered.

Technology Choice: A Critique of the Appropriate Technology Movement by Kelvin W. Willoughby.

Maintenance as Living Observation.
Practical Action

Miraculous Abundance: One Quarter Acre, Two French Farmers, and Enough Food to Feed the World.

The Market Gardener.

Rethinking Systems: Custom Movements vs Linear Agriculture Gro Ecology.

The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity.

Hunter-Gatherer and Nomadic Herding-Foraging Societies.
Emmer Wheat: First Agricultural Revolution, Neolithic Revolution.

Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer.

How Cooking Made Us Human: Catching Fire by Richard Wrangham.

The Third Plate by Dan Barber.

Agriculture: Massive Industrial Agriculture, Monocultures, Mechanical, Chemical Dependency.
Regenerative Agriculture, Rewilding, Soils, Circular Wampanoag Garden, Wilding by Isabella Tree, Do Nothing Farming, The One Straw Revolution by Masanobu Fukuoka.

No Till, Limited Pruning, Seed Balls.
Permaculture One: Permanent Agriculture, A Perennial Agriculture for Human Settlement by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren.
Zoning, Green Manure, Land Management, Agroforestry, Agroecology.

Ruralitzem, Atlas of the Future.

Hydroponics, Aeroponics, iNaturalist.

The production of food and material resources is one of the most contested debates of our time.
Emerging techniques are ‘appropriate’ for climate-resilient societies in differing bioregional contexts.
How can agricultural land be productive enough for global markets whilst being ecologically regenerative rather than reductive.

Tacit knowledge of plants and ecosystems will combine with new computational and digital tooling.
Agroecology, Agritech, Future Farming.

Farming practices, crops, and cultivation cycles through differing bioregions and climate zones.
Agricultural systems, typologies, traditions, and scales of industry.
Agricultural knowledge bases and resources, online communities of practice and movements locally and globally.
Farming technology, in the context of digital and ecological transitions.

Why are none of the scientists mentioned contemporary?

Me di cuenta de los estilos de vida, llevar el biohacking y otras prácticas a la cotidianidad, al día a día y a nuestras prácticas. Es importante ser conscientes de las cosas, pero es más importante predicar con la acción, vivir con ello, no solo estudiar estas prácticas sino también llevarlas a cabo.

Huerto en vertical.

Sustainable Agriculture

Various methods of agriculture and how technology can be used to make it more efficient and ecologically regenerative.
Mixing technology with agriculture.
More regenerative forms of agriculture, from things like cover cropping to planted food forests, and how we can use those to make more efficient, effective, and ecologically regenerative food production.
Small-scale solutions can make a big positive impact on society as a whole.


Bioremediating Tiles.

Saber cómo puedo incorporar esto a mi vida personal y/o profesional.

Urban Reefs: Sustainable architecture, but through a holistic approach that has them take care of the land around them, fell the trees that need removing, turning that wood into usable lumber, and then eventually designing and building structures from this material.

What’s in the Soil?

Different soil samples and the importance of soil health.
Types of soil

Different types of plant growth and understanding why seeds germinate in different types of soils and different types of conditions.

Distilling Essential Oils

Synthetic Biology.

Additional Resources:

  • Munsell Soil Color Chart.
  • Texture Analysis.
  • pH Test.
  • Permaculture.
  • Ecotone.
  • Keyline Agriculture.
  • Cistercian Network - Monasteries sharing agricultural practices.


Check my GMO https://hackmd.io/@usaestoparadescargar/rkcRlj5HT.
