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Research Trip

The border:

“My borders are all transcendable, as is the cell membrane, without whose
permeability life would not be possible, which is giving and receiving,
exchange, crossing barriers. And even more than transcendent, the border
is provocative, rising as a challenge, a loving invitation to be crossed, to
be possessed, to surrender to give us our overcoming with its expiration:
that is the deep charm of border living. Charm composed of ambivalence,
ambiguity—they are not the same—, of interpenetration, of living here
and there at the same time without erasing differences. Beyond, the other
tempts us, what we don't have: the frontier sings it to us and
promises it to us.”

From my perspective and in relation to my themes of interest, the concept of boundary is fundamental to question and explore. Additionally, it has served me to continue giving substance to my artistic practice and line of research.

Between systems:
During this 2nd trimester, they have been my first tangible results in the creation of projects with substance and coherence, which align with my clear and defined thematic focus and interest. These reflections and visions took shape for the first time in Gaia, a project that my peers and I presented during Design Dialogues II. Gaia represents my initial effort, both imaginative and practical, to establish a symbiotic relationship between technology and nature.

During the Research trip, I wanted to continue exploring these two systems through different elements and tools.

The Phygital

Partner in crime : Nicolò Baldi
Again hoyes.lunesdelentejas and niente010 killing the machine!

Gathering spaces
Low Tech

The combination, use, and experimentation with analog and digital technology tools were an important and interesting aspect for the development of the project we had to present on Friday.

At the same time, the emergence and implementation of the two systems (natural and technological) were the key starting point.

The Digital Moss

Resultados del escaneo 3d de materia recolectada de la excursion:

Between digital and physical, virtual and analog. We kept playing and oscillating between these two dimensions, switching from one direction to the other and trying to explore what happens in between.


After scanning and editing the different shapes, we wonder, can we impress these textures on photographic paper?

we used a projector to display our processed textures, rendered as 3D meshes or point clouds, and quickly positioned some photographic paper in front of it.


Final Exposition


Showroom of the different results and experiments.

We decided to use the refrigerator as a container to project the different shapes we scanned. We placed a piece of wood that we picked up during the excursion. The interesting part of this space is that:

  1. The aesthetic result of the projection together with the refrigerator fascinated us.
  2. The different elements we scanned generated new shapes in our physical element.

The final part was dedicated to showing the photos of the 3D scans we had made of the different collected elements and a small sample of the analog photos we had taken during the experimentation with analog photography.

Some interesetin notes/quotes i extracted from the book CRITICAL ZONES: The Science and Politics of Landing on Earth by Bruno Latour.

High tech has become the idol of industrial societies.
The potential of past and aften forgotten technologies and how they can inform sustainable energy practices.

Nature owes you nothing

The anthropocene, uprooted.

The world today is characterized by high and growing level of connectivity (meaning by this term the quantity and quality of interactions manageable by a subject within a system).

The hypotesis proposed here is that an increase in connectivity reduces the solidity of organizations. Therefore a world with high connectivity is also an (almost) fluid world. In effect connectivity seems to have the effect on an organization that temperature has on materials.Just an increase

Wetness is everywhere: Why do we see water somewhere?

As a geographic surface with water in an assigned place, India has been mapped and remapped.

As an ocean of rain, Sindhu is a ubiquitous wetness that defies the map.

The line of rivers:

An earth surface:

The world as organism and machine:

Engraving of the dip of the earth: Jesuit Geophysics in the modern era.

The earth wont let itself be watched

The point of view of the mountain

If we want to land on earth for good, neither Critical zones nor gaia offer a good enough feel for the place in which we have to settle. This is why a third step is neededm one that starts from deep in the soil and tries to offer a different way to reconnoiter the place.

Outside or Inside the World.

In order to restore contact

Critical Zones. The Science and Politics of Landing on Earth
