Go Back Term2


Communicating Ideas


What is storytelling? The act of conveying stories through the use of words and/or images, VIDEO, AUDIO, SOUNDS, DANCE, ACTIONS, MOVEMENTS, AND OTHERS… usually using improvisation and various stylistic flourishes.

There are thousands of ways to tell the same story or to explain a project.

Essential questions:

8 Classic Storytelling Techniques for Engaging Presentations

The Golden Circle by Simon Sinek

Purpose wheel

Communicating Ideas





Purpose: Mision and Vision

An interference is the phenomenon by which two waves overlap and form a new one with greater amplitude.

Therefore, I want to use the meeting space with the objectives of:

Investigating all the ways in which bodies meet.

Generating interferences between matter and technology. A dialogue between these two elements. Researching for new beings.
This space is considered a place of care and attention to things that we are not used to considering, to presences sometimes invisible, to what we reject.

We cannot feel our pupils dilate in the penumbra.

Challenging the authenticity of vision and perception of what is considered real, taking on a role as mutant-objects, researching for new beings to stimulate the cultural awareness of our time and to develop the necessary capability for metamorphosis.


Stakeholders radar


Defining my project:

Gaia has been the first tangible outcome in creating a project with substance and coherence, which aligns with my current clear and defined approach and thematic interest. These reflections and visions took shape for the first time in Gaia, a project my colleagues and I presented during Design Dialogues II. Gaia represents my initial endeavor, both imaginative and practical, to establish a symbiotic relationship between technology and nature.

GAIA: Symbiotic Relationships in between Computers and Organic Matter

Explores the idea of generating hybrid spaces between the synthetic and the matter, so we have generated an ecosystem with microorganisms using computer infrastructures.

Take a look to the fanzine and the abstract of Gaia

redeployed in the service of the birds
unking the castles, crown the swans
fly on our feet towards a new nature
Terminators, unking Big Daddy Mainframe!
" VNS Matrix, A Tender Hex for the Anthropocene"


Take a look to my miro Board!

Take a look to my Elevator Pitch:

Link to see the Elevator pitch https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hfrUe_JuHz_yyiaC-5vFoMCzSUoakUOk/view?usp=sharing

Communication Matrix


Communication Strategy:

Artistic residences: One of my main goals is to participate in artistic residencies to develop the project while making it visible and meeting new people in the field.

Another way to approach this besides applying to open calls is by establishing a more direct contact with the internal team, etc. Personally engaging with studios and artists' collectives.

A meeting with / having a coffe with : Under the pretext of finding community, meeting with individuals with similar interests and/or projects as mine to chat about pleasure, encountering each other, nature, ecosystems, and such things.
Y aunque no entendamos muy bien de que va la cosa, tirarnos bastante al rollo.

First test : ( not that bad)



to be continued

Tandem Project

Brief: Elaborate and define at least 5 starting questions to get involved in your partner project.

Do a video interview of your partner with these initial questions

Partner in crime: Anna Fedele

  1. What motivates you more: addressing issues on a global scale or making a more immediate impact at the community level?
  2. How do you plan to incorporate feedback and insights from local stakeholders into the development of your project?
  3. Are there any lessons from successful projects in other regions or industries that you would apply to your own work?
  4. Are there specific partnerships or collaborations with international organizations that you believe would enhance the impact of your project?
  5. In terms of inclusivity, how do you plan to ensure that underrepresented voices within a community are heard and considered in the development of your project?